#1 – Life Verse
June 22, 2019He has told you, O man what is good, and what does the LORD require of you, but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 [NASB]
I believe God created the skies we fly in. More important, He works in seasons of peoples’ lives throughout our thriving profession. My flight career almost never happened. A rebellious teen during Reagan’s Cold War build-up years, I wasn’t enlisting unless I could fly. Fortunately, I made the minimum required score on the Army’s flight aptitude test; however, this wasn’t the only obstacle. I needed to come to the end of myself.
During flight school, the commander called me into his office, asking about my poor driving record. The government conducts security clearance reviews for officers entering military service. Serious business. Two instances of speeding on suburban Los Angeles freeways; the speed limit then was 55. One was for 71 after an Angels game and the other for driving 69 on a Sunday evening after church. Running my neighborhood stop sign; nobody there, except for the La Palma officer doing his job. These were the only times I got caught. There were several other near-misses.
I was guilty. There was nothing to do. My career trajectory sat in the balance of a few poor decisions. Was it too late? Would I be moved to infantry? Could a screw-up like me ever be trusted?
“Sir, no excuses. I take responsibility. Please give me an opportunity to learn and grow from these mistakes.”
Fortunately, I had proven myself in training enough to earn the trust of my peers and commanders. He cautioned me to learn from my miscues and signed a waiver request which providentially was approved. Along my journey toward the end of myself, Act justly rang true.
Do right, love people, fight arrogance.
In the early 90s, a mentor named Tim gave me Honest to God, a book by Bill Hybels that shaped my identity as a Christian. Tim removed the cover, saying, “Here you go.” I haven’t seen or heard from Tim since, but I’m grateful. Over the years, Hybels’ Honest to God proved a useful resource, along with Holy Discontent and Simplify. Hybels’ Simplify (2014) includes a section on finding and choosing life verses. I adopted Micah 6:8 several years ago.
God created the skies we fly in
Other than opening up my heart to him, God requires little, if anything. He leads my way and showers my life with justice and mercy when I’m real with Him. But it’s not even about what we do, it’s who we are: Created for eternity to glorify God.
Aviation was my second choice, but college wasn’t an option given my family situation, finances, and to be candid, my life direction. In January 1983 during my TH-55A nickel ride, I first encountered the joy of flying. Fun, fulfillment, precision, creativity – in every sense.
Thank you, LORD, for allowing me to begin a second choice career in aviation despite traffic tickets, minimum test scores, and life direction.
What’s your life verse?
How did aviation find you?
Flight and Faith blog: drmitchellmorrison.com